The past week has been an emotional roller coaster. First finding out after 1 year of planning (and 8 weeks from departure) that my program is not recognized by the Quebec government was a bit difficult to digest. Luckily, even though it looked a bit bad in the beginning, it's supposed to be a very straight forward procedure since the university is already recognized and that I'm the first Quebecois to go there.

Between that and fighting with clueless clerk at the faculty of Law in HK, I'm trying not to go crazy over all the stuff I have to finish before I leave. It really feels like Les Douzes Travaux d'Asterix, I guess most of you guys don't know what I'm refering to. Basically, its mock-up version of the twelve extraordinary tasks that Hercules needed to complete in order to prove that he was worthy of being a god. I feel that I somehow need to prove that I'm worthy to go back and that the whole ordeal is just a test to see if I measure up to the challenges up ahead. Tonight is also my last night in my apartment, it would maybe be a sad moment except that I have no special memory about this place. There's only 60 days left before I go back to HK, I don't know what kind of challenges still lie up ahead but I feel I've been through the most frustrating part, so everything should be smooth from now on... i hope...
PS: This video is a good showcase of how nice HK can be, and also how Westerners are always portrayed.
happy birthday.franck.
experiencing tough period of hunting jobs in a acient city alone,i totally understood your anxiety and uncertainty for your future in HK,especially in another country! But i wanna say :do not think too much,just do it! Something you keep on doing, you must be get what you want. Anyway,you have us Chinese friends here. Add oil! gorgeous:)
AJA!! Fighting!! Franck.. as koreans would say based on what i've learned from my korean movie marathon.. aheheheh.
Very Interesting!
I know you will do GREAT!
Your life is worth living it to the best, and for you:
A great mind was given to you, greatness will be requested from you!
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