I decided to call this post "Motion in the Ocean" because I feel that my life has suddenly switched from being extremely calm to extremely busy. I guess it has to be expected, especially when you are moving (litterally) to the other side of the world...
A lot has happened during the last month. Me finally graduating is major change, has I'm no longer bound to live in Montreal just so I can finish my education; the world is now mine to play with. Seems I've spent all my life thinking and working toward being an adult and now that I'm there staring at the choices and possibilities that this world is offering me, I'm finding myself to be at a crossroad in my life. Seems as we get older the main difference is in the question we ask ourselves. I guess it's true when they say it's more in the questions than the answers themselves.
Also, I had to say goodbye to Raissa AKA the Mexican girl. I have been a bit sad over her departure. Dont get me wrong, I have had to say goodbye to a lot of people in my life so I'm pretty much used to it... but I guess some people are harder to forget than others. Without sounding like a cliche, I feel it's hard to explains what she meant to me. It's not that we had such a close relationship or that she had such a big impact but rather because the relationship was so simple in its own twisted way. I feel that she's larger than life in her own way, she has a great inner strengh and I guess that's what attracted to me to her at first. I will miss our discussions, our ackwardness, but mostly her boldness and her amazing smile. Saying "adios" to her felt like my days in Montreal were finally over and that I needed to move on to the next chapter of my life.

On the work side, everything is going great. I guess the secret to happiness at the workplace is mostly dependable on the people you work with. Some people just make the working day seems
less like a chore but rather like an interesting project where everybody has their part to play. Ubisoft and it's people have taugh me many things over the year, and I guess the irony is that I'm realizing it 2 months before my definitive departure.
It feels strange to think that in 2 months and 1 week I'll be back in Hong Kong. It seems that I have spent so much thinking about it that it doesnt seems like it's real anymore. Sometime I try to remember certain things about it but wonder if I'm making it all up in my mind. Everybody seems to want to meet me once I'm back in HK, I understand that it's quite normal but I dont feel like being rushed back into these relationships. People there sometime have a hard time to understand that moving from one continent to another is a great ordeal physically and mentally. I think I will bring some deception to some people but they will have to understand that I have to sort out my own life before going back into this hectic chaos.
That's all for me for today, I need to call CUHK once again to get them to sign a !&#@$^ of paper! Ahhh red tape bureaucracy in HK, how I missed you!