Long time since I wrote on this blog. Usually I wouldnt write anything because I don't think I'm living such an interesting life that needs to be utterly detailled on this blog. But seems Cat seems to think that I should write more, so I'm giving it a go...
Three months 'til i'm coming back to HK... it feels so strange to have been thinking about it for a whole year and starting to see the end of it coming so close. I still have some much to do, and so much uncertainties surrounding it that it's a bit hard for me to enjoy it a lot... Spend half of my time worrying about money and getting all the papers done on time for departure. Something wondering whether or not if I should stay and fight this moribund life with more strenght... but I guess if my heart isn't there at all there's no point in staying here, even if at time I feel a bit regretful that I can't do better with this life... Fortunetely, I always put myself in situation that I have no way of backing down, so my mood variations have no chances of make me change my decisions. I guess that's good, always to be going forward with projects but most of the time never living in present tense.
Music is something really important for me, as it defines the mood, the atmosphere of my life... So i'm always grateful when somebody introduces me to something new, something I like and that makes me feel different about life. Recently I started to listen to a band called McFly, quite upbeat songs, reminiscent of the beatles maybe with some over tone of the beach boys... Very pop but feels good to listen to simple melodies during summer time. I'm also waiting for the new Offspring album, Rise And Fall, Rage and Grace... The title sounds too much like my life, I'm really eager to listen to it!

Outside of that, not much is happening really. Spend my time on msn, dreaming of better days that are coming soon... The most funny thing is that people are prone to think that I'm coming back for a girl, or for the friends I have left behind... of course I miss them a lot but there's no girl or friend that would make me want to go back that much... At the same time I really enjoyed my time in HK, but I feel I have grown up since I left and want different stuff for myself. A different life, different priorities... It's hard to explain to people, because most of the time they feel as they know you... At time it's true, but I think rather that we get to know people in certain period of their life but it rarely give us a true insight on what really goes on in their mind...
What a shame, I have this really long weekend for myself, and I spend it watching some old movies and playing games on my roomate' xbox360... What a life... But still could be worst I guess... But HK is coming soon, only 3 months away! So better start doing something with this summer because time unfortunetely isn't going to comeback...
Haha, I hope you are glad cat, I finally wrote my first post in a long long time... feels strange to be pouring my thoughts on this blog... I guess if thousands of people are doing it each day, it must be normal...
That's all for me for today!